The Future of AI as Google CEO Sundar Pichai States it

google spelled on letter cubes

Published today (09MAY24) on Search Engine Roundtable, was an interesting flag to what Uncle G (Google) sees as the future for AI…and perhaps the current poor quality search product/service Google has currently become, well that is my opinion, but one that echoes their drop in market share…just saying.

“Google’s CEO, Sundar Pichai, was interviewed by Emily Chang at Bloomberg before the big Google I/O event. They talked a lot about a lot of things, but there was 25-second clip where they spoke about core search quality. As you can imagine, he didn’t say much but he did respond.

Emily Chang asked at the 8:10 mark into the video interview:

Some leading computer scientists have said Search is getting worse, more SEO spam, et cetera. Do you see their point?

Sundar Pichai replied:

Anytime there’s a transition, you get an explosion of new content, and AI is going to do that. So for us, we view this as the challenge, and I actually think, you know, there’ll be people who will struggle to do that, right?

So doing that well is what will define a high-quality product, and I think it’s gonna be the heart of what makes Search successful.

Here is the video for you to watch and of course make your own judgement as to what is being said in real terms.

I tend to think Sundar Pichai is a credible speaker, though did we actually get any answers?

I guess at business school you will always be pushed towards giving a politicians answer, i.e. pretty much avoiding the question or showing any particular remorse about the number of fully legit websites, previously ranking have seen their online businesses decimated…or am I reading it wrong?

He seems to be pretty much saying, ah yes, we are tinkering with a system we dont quite fully understand but we have unleashed it just to see what happens, then try and solve it…WE are the testbed for their product creation.

Let’s see what the future holds, but keep in mind they are not the only search engine in the world, whilst they are “currently” THE biggest player, if you cant offer the service as good as it was or better…people will jump ship!

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